Note: this happened a few months ago!
Finally, the taxi arrives, but look at your watch! It's already 9:00!! The taxi driver wants to park on the pavement, nevertheless, Norah stops him on the middle of a road and then we run to get on and tell him to drive quickly as possible, yet there is traffic jam! What will happen there? Will we arrive and catch the AT's bus or miss it?
" Norah, do you think we will make it on the right time? "
" Insha'allah, hopefully. "
The Indian driver drives speedily. I'm still laughing, because I feel we will miss AT's bus. Now, we arrive at the station buses.
" Norah! Look! The bus is still there! Let's run."
I'm very, very happy that we can catch the bus. We can see Ameerah and Layla in the bus. Norah and I stand at a queue waiting for our turn to get into the bus, but what is going on!! NO! WAIT!!
The bus closes its door and moves. I can see Ameerah and Layla are waving their hands. (T_T)
" Misho, let's ask that man there. Maybe he could help us. "
Till now, I'm still laughing.

We ask him, but do you know what does he say?
" Excuse me, do you know if there is another bus goes to AT today? "
" No, Sorry I don't know. "
" We thought that you may know, because you are working at National Express. "
" Are you working? "
" No, we are student! " Norah says.
" Ok, do you know ASDA? "
" Yes, " Norah replies.
" What would you accept if you ask one of the stuff there about furniture's shop? "
" I don't understand, what do you mean? "
" Norah, he means that he don't know anything and he is not the right person to ask! he is making fun of you! "
" What! " Laughing Norah! "
After that, we take a bus to ours home, wondering and thinking of anything we could do to go to AT. We get off the bus, walking and then, we stop in front of a small Fruits and Vegetables shop.
" Misho, look at that watermelon, it looks yummy! "
" Yeah! I have an idea! Let's take one and go to the small park near my house? "
" Okay, sounds good! "
" Hi, could you please give us a watermelon, and cut it into four pieces? "
" Sure, "
We go to the small park, eating then playing and having a lot of fun. I won't forget about that day. It's true we missed the bus, but with our imagination we build our small Alton Towers!
See, This is OUR small Alton Towers! And this is MY Special picnic With Norah!
misho I rememer that day and I was so mad that u didn't make it to Alton Towers with us coz I knew how much u were excited to go there..
nice story....
ReplyDeleteu still have time 2 go to Alton Towers..
I think Norah should go with u because she caused that.
lol yeah, Thanks god we made another trip and we had fun ^_^