Saturday, 24 July 2010

Away From Home



Can miles truly separate you from friends.... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?  (Richard Bach)

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.  (Lamartine)


I have been studying away from my home for more than eight months. Right now, it's summer vacation, but I have to study for my last term here in the United KingdomI cried many times, not because I have all the responsibilities on my shoulder here, but  because I miss my home, my mom, my dad, my siblings, my room and everything so badly, although I can see them through Internet.



I usually feel homesick when I lose the enthusiasm and aspiration to complete and succeed in the purpose of studying then at night I cry until I sleep. However, when I heard that someone else feel the same it makes me feel a little better. (^_^)


After two weeks from now, it will be the first time for me to spend Ramadan without my family. Then after Ramadan we have a festivity days "Eid". It'll be very very very hard, but I hope I can be happy and leave my tears away. (T_T)


NoteRamadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is the blessed month of fasting when all muslim eat no food for a period of time for religious purposes which are :

1- To redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm.

2- To allows Muslims to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity and charity.


I always said to myself this is the time to learn lots of things, succeed and achieve my goals and go back to my family and make them proud. Yes, I'm NOT going to be away from them for long time. ٧(^_^)




  1. Nice one Mashaer, this is my first time missin' Ramadn and Eid with my family. It really bugs me, but this is life....depressin' and never fair!

    I like how decorated your page is, and the way you express your ideas in your writings.

    Keep it up!

  2. This is so touching:(
    & I know exactly how do feel'

  3. Thank you Ahmad and Ameerah, appreciate your comments
