Sunday 8 August 2010

A Special picnic With...! (Part1)

Part One

Notethis happened a few months ago!

Well, well, well, I am enthusiastic going to The Alton Towers with three of my friends, AmeerahLayla and Norah. I remember the night before I couldn't sleep, because every single moment I checked on the Internet searching for AT images and videos, imaging that I'm playing my favorite game roller coaster and annoyed Norah calling her seventy times! I thought next day, she would kill me. I prepared my small bag, set my alarm clock at 7:00 and tried to sleep.

Alton Towers Logo.jpg


In the early morning, I wake up before my alarm clock ring, wash my face, pray, eat breakfast and finish my preparation. It's still early to go to the bus stations in Broadmarsh. I call Ameerah and she is almost ready and Layla as well, but when I call Norah, she just wakes up five minute ago! I diced to go to her house walking, which takes usually about 12 min, so she can complete her preparations then we can catch a bus together. I arrived at her house, however, she doesn't finish yet. I'm waiting her and saying:

" Norah, come on hurry, we don't have much time "
" Okay, just a minute please "
" Hurry! "

" We are LATE! HURRY! The Alton Tower's bus is going to leave at 9:00 and now it's 8:30! 
" I'm coming now "
" Let's go... oh no, I forget something, just a minute "

Finally, she finishes her preparations. We are running to 77 bus stop. We wait about 15 minutes! There aren't any buses there!! 

" Norah, call a taxi we can't wait for a bus it's too late "

She calls a taxi and he said he is very, very close, but unfortunately, he is late about 10 min. I start laughing crazily when I saw a bus comes, but we unlucky can't get in by the reason of calling the taxi.

Note: when I have desire to do something, but it's too late, because I did something else before. Whatever, I start laughing.

Finally, the taxi arrives, but look at your watch! It's already 9:00!! The taxi driver wants to park on the pavement, nevertheless, Norah stops him on the middle of a road and then we run to get on and tell him to drive quickly as possible, yet there is traffic jam! What will happen there? Will we arrive and catch the AT's bus or miss it?


End of part One. Wait for the next time, soon!



  1. Hi Mesho or KAMRE hahaha i miss the old times anyway how are you =)
    i like the way that you Writes your topic ^.^
    it was really fun to read it XD
    i'm gonna kill you....just kidding it's just gonna
    happen in my Dreams looool :p
    anyway i will be waiting for the part 2 =)

    see ya <3

    blue girl was here >>> just get out !!LOL

  2. Ooh, bluse'a is here lols. Me too. (T_T)
    Haha you have to wait for it (^o^)
    Really, thank you for your comment, it's made me happy to see you after a long time!!

    Ja' nah

  3. Nice narrative Mehso, I see you got a lot of friends commenting on your blog... LUCKY...!!

    Waitin' for the next part... keep up the good work

    your writings are interesting and colourful, I really like them.


  4. Alton Towers!! I've always wanted to go there but never had the time.

    waiting for part 2.. later

  5. Ahmad, I think they like my blog just for its colour and design lols.
    Thank you for your comment. (^_^)



  6. I remember
    sorry you've missed the buss
    i was so upset i didnt ride any rides that time
    no one has the guts to do it :(

  7. Oh Layla. It's not your faults. Also, when I remember that day, I laugh lolz
